Investment focus

Fostering a Greener Tomorrow

Powering Renewable Energy

At Tengri, we’re driving the future of renewable energy. Our investment portfolio encompasses a rich tapestry of renewable energy projects, from expansive solar power farms to wind energy and biomass plants. 

These investments power sustainable, eco-friendly energy generation. By reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, we’re actively shaping a cleaner, more responsible energy future.

Transforming Biomass into Clean Energy

We’re champions of innovation in the form of biomass-to-energy projects. These groundbreaking initiatives convert organic materials into invaluable resources for clean energy, including biofuels, green hydrogen, and biochar. 

This eco-friendly investment not only minimizes waste but also shrinks our carbon footprint. It stands as a testament to our commitment to cleaner solutions and a greener, more sustainable future.

Embracing Clean-Coal Energy

Our dedication to eco-friendly energy solutions extends to clean coal-to-energy initiatives. Here, we employ advanced Combined Heat and Power (CHP) facilities featuring innovative “chimneyless” technology. 

This strategic approach significantly reduces carbon emissions, aligning perfectly with our commitment to environmental sustainability. It’s a clear move toward a greener, more climate-conscious future.

Harnessing Algae Farming for Emission Offset​

By investing in algae farming operations, we actively support the absorption and sequestration of carbon dioxide emissions. This innovative and eco-conscious approach substantially offsets carbon footprints, contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable future. 

It underscores our dedication to responsible and environmentally-conscious practices. At Tengri, we’re driving emissions reductions through cutting-edge climate tech, shaping a better tomorrow.

Rejuvenating Forests for a Greener Future​

Tengri leads the way in climate tech by championing sustainable forestry, reforestation, afforestation, and responsible forest management. 

Our initiatives involve tree planting and land restoration, enhancing forest ecosystems while sequestering carbon. Beyond protecting and enriching our forests, these efforts generate vital carbon credits, propelling us toward a sustainable and greener future.

Capturing Carbon for a Cleaner Tomorrow​

Our climate-conscious approach includes investing in carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects, which effectively capture and store carbon emissions from industrial processes. 

This strategic investment significantly mitigates the environmental impact of emissions, aligning seamlessly with our commitment to cleaner, more sustainable industrial practices.

Through Technological Innovation​

Blockchain: Unleashing Trust and Transparency

We invest in blockchain-enabled trading platforms that redefine the landscape of commodity trading. These platforms harness the power of blockchain technology, ensuring secure, transparent, and efficient trading. 

With decentralized peer-to-peer trading, smart contract functionality, real-time order matching, and a user-friendly interface, we promote trust and inclusivity in global commodity markets while nurturing a sustainable future.

IoT-Enabled Energy Management: Empowering Sustainability​

We support cutting-edge projects leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) for advanced energy management and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. 

These investments optimize efficiency, enhance sustainability, and enable data-driven decisions in the energy sector. At Tengri, we’re bridging the ancient wisdom of our heritage with modern technology, advancing sustainability through innovation.

Smart Supply Chains: Transforming Logistics​

Our investments extend to projects that integrate blockchain and IoT technologies, ushering in smart supply chain solutions. 

These innovative systems optimize supply chain processes, providing real-time tracking, trust, and transparency across industrial parks and logistics. Enhanced efficiency revolutionizes the logistics landscape, driving sustainability and growth in the industry.

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